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Contact privacy policy

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Pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30 June 2003, as subsequently updated (“Privacy Code”) and European Regulation no. 679 of 2016 (the “Privacy Regulation”), San Marzano Vini S.p.A. having its registered office in 74020 San Marzano di S.G. (TA), Via Monsignor Bello n. 9, email privacy@sanmarzanovini.com, VAT Registration number 03017840731, in the capacity of Data Controller (hereinafter, the “Controller”), intends to inform you that your personal data will be processed in order to manage your report and/or request for information.
By means of the “Contacts” area you are free to describe to us your request for information or needs, but we kindly ask you not to indicate data defined by the Privacy Regulation as particular data (for example data which refers to your state of health, religious beliefs, etc.).

The legal basis of the processing is the performance of a service pursuant to art. 6, paragraph 1, letter b) of the Privacy Regulation and, therefore, no express consent shall be necessary on your part to be able to manage your report and/or request for information.

The data provided by you shall be processed predominantly with paper and/or computer tools under the authority of the Data Controller, by parties specifically authorised and instructed to process it (pursuant to article 2-quaterdecies of the Privacy Code and article 29 of the Privacy Regulation). We inform you that suitable security measures are observed, including pursuant to articles 5 and 32 of the Privacy Code, to prevent the loss of data, unlawful or non-correct uses and unauthorised access.

The data may be communicated, within the EU, fully respecting what is provided by the Privacy Regulation, to the following subjects: public authorities and/or bodies, where this is imposed by law or at their request, to external companies and subjects of which the Controller avails itself for the performance of activities connected, instrumental or consequent to the performance of the “Contacts” service; to external consultants, if not designated in writing as Data Processors. The updated list of the designated Data Processors may be supplied upon request by the data subjects.

Without prejudice to the legal obligations, your personal data, shall be retained for the time strictly necessary to provide a response to your request for information.

At any time,you may exercise the rights specified at articles 15 et seq. of the Privacy Regulation, to access, rectify, transform, block, erase, or limit processing.
In the event of failure to provide a timeous response or of an unsuitable reply by the Company, or where you consider that a breach of the Privacy Code and/or the Privacy Regulation, you may make a complaint to the Italian Data Protection Authority, using the following contact details: www.gpdp.itwww.garanteprivacy.it, Email: protocollo@gpdp.it, Telephone switchboard: (+39) 06.69677.1.